Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

os komputer buatan anak indonesia Published : 8/07/2011 10:03:00 PM Author : Galih Rezah Fitur Utama GARUDA : Inti (kernel) sistem operasi : Desktop : KDE 4.6.3 Dukungan driver VGA (Nvidia, ATI, Intel, dll) Dukungan Wireless untuk berbagai perangkat jaringan Dukungan perangkat printer lokal ataupun jaringan Dukungan banyak format populer multimedia (flv, mp4, avi, mov, mpg, mp3, wma, wav, ogg, dll …) Dukungan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris serta lebih dari 60 bahasa dunia lainnya (Jepang, Arab, Korea, India, Cina, dll…) Dukungan untuk instalasi berbagai macam program aplikasi dan game (online) berbasis Windows Dukungan untuk berbagai macam dokumen dari program populer berbasis Windows (seperti Photoshop, CorelDraw, MS Office, AutoCAD, dll) NEW! Dukungan Font Aksara Indonesia. NEW! Dukungan ratusan Font Google Web. Minimum System Requirements : Processor : Intel Atom; Intel atau AMD sekelas Pentium IV atau lebih Memory : RAM minimum 512 MB, rekomendasi 1 GB. Hard disk : minimum 8 GB, rekomendasi 20 GB atau lebih jika ingin menginstal program lain Video card : nVidia, ATI, Intel, SiS, Matrox, VIA Sound card : Sound Blaster, kartu AC97 atau HDA Software-Software Garuda OS : Office: LibreOffice 3.3 – disertai kumpulan ribuan clipart, kompatibel dengan MS Office dan mendukung format dokumen SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia) Scribus – desktop publishing (pengganti Adobe InDesign, Page Maker) Dia – diagram / flowchart (pengganti MS Visio) Planner – manajemen proyek (pengganti MS Project) GnuCash, KMyMoney – program keuangan (pengganti MYOB, MS Money, Quicken) Kontact – Personal Information Manager / PIM Okular, FBReader – universal document viewer Internet : Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1, Chromium, Opera – web browser (pengganti Internet Explorer) Mozilla Thunderbird – program email (pengganti MS Outlook) FileZilla – upload download / FTP kTorrent – program bittorrent DropBox – Online Storage Program (free 2 Gb) Choqok, Qwit, Twitux, Pino – aplikasi microblogging Google Earth – penjelajah dunia Skype – video conference / VOIP Gyachi, Pidgin – Internet messenger xChat – program chatting / IRC Kompozer, Bluefish – web / html editor (pengganti Dreamweaver) Miro – Internet TV Multimedia : GIMP – editor gambar bitmap (pengganti Adobe Photoshop) Inkscape – editor gambar vektor (pengganti CorelDraw) Blender – Animasi 3D Synfig, Pencil – Animasi 2D XBMC – multimedia studio kSnapshot – penangkap gambar layar Digikam – pengelola foto digital Gwenview – Photo Viewing Client Amarok – audio player + Internet radio Kaffeine – video / movie player TVtime – television viewer Audacity – audio editor Cinelerra, Avidemux – video editor Edukasi : Matematika – aljabar, geometri, plotter, pecahan Bahasa – Inggris, Jepang, permainan bahasa Geografi – atlas dunia, planetarium, kuis Kimia – tabel periodik Logika Pemrograman Administrasi Sistem : DrakConf – Computer Control Center Synaptic – Software Package Manager Samba – Windows sharing file Team Viewer – remote desktop & online meeting Bleachbit – pembersih sistem Back in Time – backup restore sistem Program Bantu : Ark – program kompres file (pengganti Winzip, WinRar) K3b – pembakar CD/DVD (pengganti Nero) Dolphin – file manager Cairo Dock – Mac OS menu dock Compiz Fusion + Emerald Emulator DOS + Windows Games : 3D Game Maker Mahjong, Tetris, Rubik, Billiard, Pinball, BlockOut, Sudoku, Reversi Solitaire, Heart, Domino, Poker, Backgammon, Chess, Scrabble Frozen Bubble, Flight Simulator, Tron, Karaoke City Simulation, Fighter, Doom, Racing, Tremulous FPS DJL, Play on Linux, Autodownloader – game manager / downloader

Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012


Tutorial setting awal mikrotik RB750 + cara membagi bandwidth otomatis supaya adil Tutorial setting awal mikrotik untuk RT/RW Net disini yg digunakan 1. RB 750 versi 4.11 2. akses internet pake speedy dg modem bawaan speedy 3. menggunakan winbox tutorial ini untuk newbie, coz ane jg newbie yg mencoba berbagi LANGKAH AWAL MASUK WINBOX 1. pastikan dulu koneksi dari modem ke akses point dah berjalan lancar. kalo dah oke, lepas semua kabel koneksinya 2. colok modem ke eth1, komputer/laptop ke eth2. lupakan dulu akses pointnya 3. buka browser, ketik akan keluar spt ini. donwload winboxnya 4. jalankan winbox 5. bagian connect to, klik browse (titik tiga), pilih mac address yg ada 6. pastikan login=admin dan passwordnya kosong. klik connect 7. PENTING pertama kali akan keluar box spt dibawah ini. klik Remove Configuration 8. sukses masuk winbox LANGKAH-LANGKAH MENGHUBUNGKAN MIKROTIK DENGAN KOMP/LAPTOP 1. ubah nama interface. ini hanya untuk memudahkan kita saja. caranya klik menu interface.ubah nama interface eth1 dengan nama internet atau modem atau speedy sesuka kita. eth2 ubah jadi wan atau wireless atau akses point sesuka kita jg. caranya klik 2x list interface yg ada 2. setting IP address untuk "memberi identitas IP pada masing2 eth yg kita gunakan caranya klik IP-Addresses. klik tanda +. masukkan IP address untuk eth1. karena IP address modem speedy biasanya maka disini kita masukkan pilih interface=nama interface eth1. klik OK. nanti isian network sama broadcast akan terisi sendiri karena ada /24 itu. /24 disini maksudnya subnett. apa itu subnett? coba anda googling subnetting klik tanda + lagi untuk kasih IP yg eth2. disini saya pake IP dibedakan sama eth1 td dimana angka yg ketiga pake '1' sedangkan ini pake '3'. anda bebas mo pake berapa antara 2-254 kalo anda sudah paham subnetting, /24 bs diganti sesuai dengan subnet anda. tp biar ga ribet, pake /24 aja. hehehe 3. setting gateway klik IP-Routes. klik +. isikan gateway dg 4. setting DNS klik IP-DNS. klik setting. masukkan DNSnya. dari mana saya dapat DNS? buka settingan modem speedy anda. buka browser, ketik 5. coba test ping dari mikrotik ke modem buka New Terminal. ketik ping kalo reply dah OK lalu coba test ping ke DNS speedy pake DNS yg td dimasukkan 6 setting NAT apa gunanya NAT? Quote: NAT (Network Address Translation) Firewall secara otomatis menyediakan proteksi terhadap sistem yang berada di balik firewall karena NAT Firewall hanya mengizinkan koneksi yang datang dari komputer-komputer yang berada di balik firewall. Tujuan dari NAT adalah untuk melakukan multiplexing terhadap lalu lintas dari jaringan internal untuk kemudian menyampaikannya kepada jaringan yang lebih luas (MAN, WAN atau Internet) seolah-olah paket tersebut datang dari sebuah alamat IP atau beberapa alamat IP sumber:wiki pemahaman simple saya, agar klien di belakang mikrotik dengan berbagai macam IP Address bs komunikasi ke internet dengan menggunakan IP public yg disediakan speedy. maafkan kalo pemahaman saya salah caranya klik IP-Firewall. klik tab NAT di tab general, pilih chain=srcnat, src address= (network address eth2) trus klik tab action, pilih action=masquerade 7. skrg coba test ping dari komp/laptop ke gateway ( trus coba test ping ke yahoo.com kalo sukses berarti dah bs konek ke internet. cabut kabel di komp/laptop, hubungkan dengan akses point. coba konek ke akses point dan coba ngenet. harusnya sukses. catatan: set IP Address akses point pastikan sama-sama '3' seperti IP address eth2 tadi SETTING TAMBAHAN 1. seting jam dan tanggal mikrotik RB750 ga ada baterai kyk di motherboard yg clocknya tetep jalan meski komp/laptop mati. kalo RB direset, waktunya jg ke-reset. biar jam dan tanggal selalu up date, perlu diset disesuaikan dengan server yg ada caranya klik System-NTP Client.cek enabled. masukkan primary NTP server dan secondary. contoh dibawah pake servernya microsoft sesuaikan clock mikrotik menjadi GMT +7 (jakarta). klik System-Clock. pilih time zone=asia/jakarta 2. backup dan restore saat kita nyoba2 setting, kadang kita ada kesalahan. dan ga tau gmn mengembalikannya seperti sebelumnya. untuk kita perlu memback-up settingan dan merestorenya saat dibutuhkan caranya backup klik Files. klik tombol Back up. nanti akan menghasilakan file backup kita tinggal menyimpan file backup td ke harddisk komp/laptop. caranya tinggal drag and drop cara merestore tinggal memilih file backupnya dan klik Restore sekian dulu. nanti saya lanjutin cara setting DHCP server, setting hotspot dan radius, usermanager, dll. oya tutorial ini berdasarkan pengalaman ane. dan ane coba mengingat2 apa yg kmrn ane kerjakan. mungkin ada yg terlewat, mhn dikoreksi bersama lanjutan b]SETTING DHCP[/b] disini kita mo bikin klien yg konek ke jaringan kita, otomatis dapat IP Address yg 'digenerate' oleh mikrotik. jadi kita ga perlu pusing memberi IP Address catatan: yg dikasih IP Address DHCP hanya klien saja. akses pointnya kita set manual IP Addressnya agar bisa diakses di kemudian hari 1. klik IP-DHCP Server. klik DHCP Setup pilih nama interface eth2 next, nanti otomatis DHCP address space di subnet yg sama dg eth2 next. nanti otomatis terisi gatewaynya yaitu eth2 next, isikan range dhcp yg mau diberikan. saya ngeset antara 50-250 next. nanti otomatis terisi DNS spt yg diset tadi next. isikan lease time. disini artinya brp lama ip address yg diberikan expired. disini saya isi 3 hari. jadi kalo ada klien yg dpt IP address dan pada saat expired (3 hari) kemudian dia tidak lagi konek, maka IP address tsb dihapus. ini berguna untuk menghemat IP address kita Cara Membagi Bandwidth Otomatis Adil dan Sama Rata di Mikrotik Router Membagi Bandwidth Otomatis di Mikrotik Router ini lebih menyenangkan di timbangkan Membagi bandwidth Mikrotik Rouuter Secara manual. Systemnya di sini adalah misalkan anda mempunyai bandwidth 512Kbps sebanyak 10 komputer,jika yang main Cuma satu computer maka bandwidth yang di dapat adalah 512Kbps,jika yang mahn dua computer maka bandwidth yang di dapat 256Kbps Per komputer,jika yang main empat computer maka bandwidth yang di dapat 128Kbps Per computer,begitu seterusnya,pembagian tersebut Secara Otomatis di lakukan mikrotik Router,begini tutorialnya: --Copykan Perintah di bawah ini kemudian Pastekan di “Notepad” /ip firewall mangle add chain=forward src-address= action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=users-con /ip firewall mangle add connection-mark=users-con action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=users chain=forward /queue type add name=pcq-download kind=pcq pcq-classifier=dst-address /queue type add name=pcq-upload kind=pcq pcq-classifier=src-address /queue tree add parent=local queue=pcq-download packet-mark=users /queue tree add parent=public queue=pcq-upload packet-mark=users --Kemudian Di Edit dengan keterangan: 1.Tulisan yang berwarna merah anda ganti dengan ip jaringan local anda misalkan ip address local di mikrotik anda yaitu maka anda ganti 2.Tulisan yang berwarna Biru anda ganti dengan nama interface Ethernet mikrotik anda yang mengarah ke client,anda bisa lihat nama interface mikrotik anda yang mengarah ke client dengan mengetik perintah di new terminal winbox interface print 3.Tulisan yang berwarna Hijau anda ganti dengan nama interface Ethernet mikrotik anda yang mengarah ke modem,anda bisa lihat nama interface mikrotik anda yang mengarah ke modem dengan perintah di new terminal winbox interface print --Setelah anda selesai mengedit perintah di atas di “Notepad” dengan benar maka buka winbox kemudian copykan perintah yang telah anda edit tadi di “Notepad”,kemudian di halaman utama winbox pilih “New Terminal” dan klik Kanan “Paste” dan Tekan “ENTER” pada keyboard laptop atau computer anda, seperti gambar di bawah ini: --Selesai dan selamat mencoba--

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

THE JAKARTA GLOBE GLOBE ASIA THE PEAK Welcome Guest | Login | Signup JG Logo Mon, October 15, 2012 Archive Search HOME NEWS BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL TECH SPORTS LIFE & TIMES OPINION MY JAKARTA BLOGS EYEWITNESS Jakarta Seeking Early Results From Joko and Basuki

Joko Widodo, left, and his deputy Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, right, on Sunday rehearsed the inauguration. (JG Photo/Safir Makki) Joko Widodo, left, and his deputy Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, right, on Sunday rehearsed the inauguration. (JG Photo/Safir Makki)
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Joko Widodo and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama will be sworn in today as Jakarta’s governor and deputy governor, respectively, then immediately face massive challenges in overcoming the capital’s most urgent problems.

Those problems include worsening traffic congestion, inadequate public transportation and a lingering flood threat.

While expectations are high that the pair will solve the problems, analysts say the duo should pluck some “low-hanging fruit” so the public can immediately see the impact of their work.

“For instance, they could quickly add to the TransJakarta fleet so that residents don’t have to wait long or be cramped inside buses,” Siti Zuhro, a political expert from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), said on Sunday.

Basuki said soon after the election that 1,000 new buses plus a dozen new busway lanes will be provided during the governing pair’s first 100 days in office.

Siti said that if Joko and Basuki provide four new lanes and several dozen new buses, residents will quickly feel the difference. “Remember that if high expectations are not met, then their credibility will run out fast,” she added.

Another immediate challenge is the approaching rainy season and the floods that it will bring.

Siti said Joko and Basuki must quickly realize their plan to build better housing along the Ciliwung River so that there will be no more problems with houses inundated by the water.

“This way, media will be able to report positive news to the public, and the residents can see what has been done,” she said.

There are 13 rivers that cross Jakarta, all of which can potentially cause floods. The new governor will also have to find a way to stop Jakartans’ habit of throwing garbage into the rivers.

Opposition challenge

While traffic, flooding and public transportation are the most urgent problems, Joko and Basuki will also need to deal with resistance from opposition politicians at the Jakarta Legislative Council.

Joko and Basuki are supported by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) and Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra). While both parties are major players at the national level, they are relatively small in Jakarta, holding just 17 of the 94 seats in the legislative council between them. During the election, all other political parties supported rival candidate Fauzi Bowo.

Yunarto Wijaya, a political analyst from Charta Politika, said the key to overcoming resistance from the opposing parties is through negotiation.

“It’s a matter of how Jokowi can convince the opposing politicians, while being transparent to the public on the benefits of each policy he issues,” Yunarto said, referring to Joko by his nickname.

He said that by explaining his policy positions to the public, Joko could win support when there is a resistance from the provincial legislature.

Joko said he would provide poor Jakartans with free access to education and health care. He also said he would give smart cards and health cards to poor families so that they will have access to free education and free health care.

He said that health and education were his priorities because obtaining the two would guarantee Jakartans a better quality of life, as well as high productivity and better employment potential.

Joko said that the current budget for education in Jakarta — Rp 9.8 trillion ($1 billion) — was enough to pay for his programs, while the city’s total budget of Rp 36 trillion is enough for the other programs, including providing housing for the poor people living along the rivers.

“What we should do is just manage the money well,” he said.

Some analysts said that such programs will face resistance from opposition councilors. But Triwisaksana, deputy speaker of the Jakarta Legislative Council, said the body was ready to support Joko and Bauski as long as their programs were communicated to them.

“If they are pro-people, then there is no reasons to reject them,” the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) politician said.

Cleansing the bureaucracy

Another challenge facing Joko and Basuki is the alleged widespread corruption among Jakarta officials. The national Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) has previously found that Jakarta is the provinces responsible for the biggest losses of state funds.

Citing BPK audits from the second half of 2011, the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (Fitra) said there were 751 irregularities in the Jakarta’s administration’s finances, resulting in losses of Rp 721.5 billion in state money.

“Jokowi should get rid of those corrupt officials. I think he will know who should be cleaned from the administration because it is very clear,” said Uchok Sky Khadafi, Fitra’s coordinator of investigations.

Siti, Yunarto and Uchok expressed confidence that Joko and Basuki could solve Jakarta’s problems with public support.